Relative Age and its effect on youth sports Caroline McDermott 12/23/2010 *note: all athletes in this article, are referred to as “him” for simplicity’s sake. ISSUE Does the relative age of a child affect his ability to become an elite athlete, and if so, what should youth coaches do to allow athletes that may develop later a chance at elite greatness? Should youth leagues be allowed to exist with the purpose of developing elite players for their respective sport leagues, or should these leagues be used in the general development of well-rounded youth? BACKGROUND Ask any teacher, coach, or adolescent psychologist: There is a huge difference in physical, emotional, and academic maturity (by this I mean the academic skills a child obtains—early and basic literacy and math skills being the most basic) between a child that is aged 8-years, 11-months an...
...of a greater appreciation of self and the world around me