School was always easy for me. Work never has been. My Brain on 'Hard' The type of work that is hard for my brain isn't breaking down a project into small pieces and assigning them. It's not the 5-hour shift at Jo-Ann Fabrics as a young adult. It is not the act of teaching swim lessons or coaching a workout. Those are 'Easy Buttons." What's hard for me? It's doing my pieces of that project puzzle before the other people need it to do their pieces. It's staying on task and not deviating from it. It's trying desperately to not go down a rabbit hole and spending 4 hours on research for something not exactly relevant but kinda is relevant and you know you probably need the information for something later and having all this knowledge is why you're so gifted so why not go down the rabbit hole It's being terrified to stop working because you may never get back to this project because its not finished and if you stop you may not be able to s...
...of a greater appreciation of self and the world around me