1. Gather Inspiration: Drive home from Cleveland singing at the top of your lungs. Usually this requires imagination (and earplugs for the cars surrounding you) as you undertake a solo attempt at being the entire cast of Phantom of the Opera. 2. Tickle the Ivories/Warmup the fingers: Typically, this means playing said Phantom of the Opera music on piano. 2a. Consume good wine during warm-up session. 3. Become convinced you are Mozart. (this may or not be alcohol induced.) 4. Realize you really like the key a particular song is in . Start improvising. Acknowledge you just actually played something kinda awesome, but have no idea what you just played. Realize you probably should "write this shit down" because, hey, you're Mozart. 5. Print out blank music staffs: This must be done quickly so you don't realize you're really not Mozart. ...
...of a greater appreciation of self and the world around me