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Showing posts from January, 2013

2012: Love, loss, beginnings, endings: Caroline.

In 2012 I loved and lost.  This was the year that I gave birth to Abigail and relinquished her in an open adoption.  She belongs to Brooke and Todd, but she is loved by all.  I am so thankful every day that the adoption went as well as it did.  The feeling of love is sometimes overshadowed by the feeling of loss, but I know it will get better in time. I have the best adoptive parents that respect the space I need and let me cherish the moments I need as well.  Abigail will be getting a baby sister in February and I couldn't be more excited for them. 2012 was a year of beginnings and endings.   This was the year I made the choice to end several friendships due to growth, chaos, or because the choices they made regarding my decision to place my child for adoption.   This was the year that I began a lifelong relationship with healing.  This was the year I began surrounding myself again with people that were positive and would ...