Abigail Leigh was born on 2/27/11 at 11:20 a.m. She weighed 7 lbs, 10.8 oz and was 20" long. She is absolutely beautiful. I know many of you are confused, since you have read the pregnancy posts and the post pregnancy posts...but have been asking, "Did I miss something? Where is the baby?!?" She lives with her parents. Yes, I said her parents . Abigail is my biological daughter; but I am not her Mommy. Her Mommy is a fantastic person I am lucky to have connected with. Someone that is ready to raise a child because she can make personal sacrifices to make sure that Abigail will have the best life possible. Who's the daddy? To eliminate any further discussion on this topic: Yes, I know who the father is, but he is not her Daddy. Her Daddy is the man I now entrust with her life; the man that I met in October and thought, "Yes, he is someone whose values my biogical daughter should have, and she will h...
...of a greater appreciation of self and the world around me