Happy first birthday to the best thing that has ever happened to me: Miss Abigail Leigh! It's incredible to look back over a year and think about all the things you've experienced in a short 365 days. I never would be where I am today if I hadn't chose the path of an open adoption. Never in a million years, would I have expected to be a birthmother and begin to love and cherish all the small little things that being a birthmother entails. It's so challenging in today's society to put terms to the relationship I have with Abigail's parents and how grateful I am for who they are and how they raise her. I am a positive person; I believe positive breeds positive and negative does the same. I try to stay positive. No, I do not regret my decision. Is it hard? Absolutely. I think one of the most challenging things that happens is interacting with people outside of the adoption triad. Some people ask innocent questions that can be hurtful, o...
...of a greater appreciation of self and the world around me