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Resources and Referral Links

These are referral links to products I love.

Small Business Software

Smarter Que  

Referral Gift: One free month

Purpose: Social Media Scheduler

Why I love it: Does it all, and more. Recycles content. Easy to see visually across multiple channels and multiple types of posts in each channel. 

Scribe How 

Purpose:  Document in real time steps to complete a project        

Why I love it: Makes delegating complex step-by-step processes simple to document and update as needed 


Organize all the things

Apps and Fun Stuff


Referral Gift: 30 days free, if you sign up you get another 30 days

Purpose: books, audiobooks, magazines.

Why I love it: SO MANY BOOKS. Sheet music. Magazines. Audiobooks. E-books. They also partner with some other apps so your subscription includes other perks as well 

Smart Hack: Email support and pay up front. It's under $100 for the year. 

Fiscal and Banking


Purpose: Online bank

Why I love it: Vaults (virtual envelopes), auto-distribute direct deposits into vaults based on your savings goals, investment accounts, loans, etc...all in ONE APP, and no humans to deal with or going to the local bank

YNAB (You Need a Budget)

Referral Gift: Free month

Purpose: Digital based 'envelope' system focused on long-term planning of how to save, spend, and allocate future fiscal goals 

Why I love it: Plan how you spend your money not track how you spent it. Better financial choices when you plan first. The 4 rules are Gold.


All-in-one payroll company for small business owners. Affordable and easy to use. This tech driven millennial likes it.


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