When you look at this picture, what do you see? Let me start out with how awesome this picture is. I'm standing on a roof, with this amazing sky, in my wedding dress, with the love of my life on the day I felt most beautiful. Ever. My hair was done professionally, my makeup was done professionally. I spent 4 years losing weight to be a healthy and active body. My hometown is below us, where I am building a dream career. My husband thinks my part of the picture looks kind of like a beach, with the surf receding off to the right...especially when the photo is in black in white. I'm holding handmade paper flowers, where some pages are pages from a book. Guys. I CLIMBED ON A ROOF IN MY WEDDING DRESS. WILLINGLY. I'm standing in the snow, and I can still feel the cold of the snow on my shoes. I remember the moment thinking of how sure I was in choosing a partner, that I was excited to be married and to build our partnership...and li...
...of a greater appreciation of self and the world around me
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