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Showing posts from April, 2021

10 Secrets to Success from Bob Bowman (ASCA World Clinic 2008)

I was recently embarked on a scan and purge marathon and came across a plane ticket to the ASCA World Clinic and happened to turn it over and there was this gem! Who is Bob Bowman for you non-swimmers? Bob Bowman was Michael Phelp's Coach.  In 2008 I had the pleasure of meeting Bob and listening to one of his talks.   Without further ado:  10 Secrets to Success from Bob Bowman  Think Positive: "Worrying is Negative Goal Setting".  Never give up on anybody [you coach] Decide upon your true dreams and goals WIN: W hat's I mportant N ow Never stop learning Be persistent and work hard Success is a marathon. Never give up.  "Inspiration doesn't happen before the perspiration" Get all the facts: Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but not their own facts. Focus your time and money . Don't let others distract you from your true dreams and goals. Deal and communicate with people effectively.  " My job is to make the worst person on the team imp...

My Own ADHD Strategies

 Hi! I'm Caroline and I have ADHD. Yeah, I OWN having ADHD. ADHD is a life of paradoxes.  Like....  I can get a lot done in a short amount of time, but my sense of time is different than neurotypicals. It's either now...or, not now. That's it! Ways I manage My ADHD Calendly Google Calendar Wardrobe Simplicity Amazon Subscribe and Save  Objects at their point of performance  Conditions of Success: (Avoiding PDA) Video calls as much as possible Label where things go Put things back White furniture Focusmate My Brain Book Asana see the bottom of the blog for elaborated answers      Things I'm working on: (or struggling with) Eliminating Choices Stopping work in order to be on time when I could 'just squeeze in this one more thing' CLUTTER The art of getting things done Administrative assistant Light Colored furniture Not picking my face not binging on food for dopamine Things that drive me batshit about the system of navigating ADHD Paper prescrip...

The Case of the Missing Surface Pro Pen

In Today's Episode of "Another Moment inside Caroline's Brain" we examine losing a Surface Pro Pen With ADHD, we are constantly trying to exist in a world that does not work for our brains.  It's exhausting sometimes.  Nothing exists to work for you.  The world wants you to behave and navigate a specific way.   There are things that I just don't do because I just can't. But there are things we have to do-like laundry and pay bills and get the work done, that means we have to hack and hack and hack, just to do the thing. To get the thing started. Our brains are exhausted just from navigating day-to-day life. I AM SO TIRED. ---

PDA and Conditions for Success

Today we're going to talk ADHD and PDA. Yep.  PDA. You're probably thinking PDA?!?!? 💋💋💋 Noooo not that kind of PDA 😂🤣🤣 PDA for ND (Neurodiverse) people is short for "Pathological Demand Avoidance" Essentially, our brains fight against us to do tasks we 'should' or 'need' to do, and sometimes even activities we want to do,  like, or love. Examples: Fold and put away the laundry, go to bed, have sex with our partner, eat, go to the bathroom when we realize we need to, get out of bed, get to the gym. It's EXHAUSTING.  Once I learned about PDA from an Autistic person, Harry Thompson , my mind was blown. He gave an example of how if he needs to go to bed, he just can't...He'll be up all night, just avoiding the demand to go to bed he's placed on himself.   I DO THIS TOO!!!!!  MIND BLOWN What this Autistic person suggests is creating CONDITIONS for success.  Instead of avoiding bed, he just .... goes to bed, but the intent is NOT to go...